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The Green Dot System, also known as SIGRE, is the Integrated Packaging Waste Management System.
It exists to organize and manage a loop for collecting, recovering and recycling non-reusable packaging waste, and to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.

The system succeeds by combining the responsibilities of the various partners, in order to create a loop whose sustainability potential is virtually limitless, and in which everyone plays an essential role.


Como Funciona o sistema Ponto Verde

Esquema do Sistema Ponto Verde
abrangência do Sistema Ponto Verde
ciclo de sustentabilidade
Cobertura Territorial
Mapa de Portugal
Descubra aqui quais os responsáveis pela recolha selectiva no seu concelho
Did you know that Sociedade Ponto Verde is not responsible for siting, maintaining and collecting from recycling drop-off containers and other selective collection equipment?

Depending on where you live, the local authority or other systems may also carry out this task. Find out here who is responsible for selective collection in your municipality, and start to make a difference now.
Can’t find your municipality?

If your municipality is not on this list, it is because it is not covered by the Green Dot system. Contact us for further information about selective collection in your area.