logo Sociedade Ponto Verde


Símbolo Ponto Verde What is it?
When packaging bears the Green Dot Symbol it means that it contributes financially to Sociedade Ponto Verde, because in Portugal Sociedade Ponto Verde is the exclusive rights-holder of the symbol, and allows it to be used under pre-set conditions. Sociedade Ponto Verde customers can use the Green Dot Symbol on their packaging.

Why do you need to know that?
Because this symbol is proof that the packaging is part of a national selective packaging collection, recovery and recycling system. It is the most visible element of a virtually endless sustainability loop, in which we all play an essential role.

The manufacturer or importer of a product with this symbol is one of Sociedade Ponto Verde clients. By paying an eco-fee, it contributes financially to ensuring that the packing loop never ends.

The Green Dot symbol does not mean that a product is recycled or recyclable, but that the product or brand helps ensure that packaging is recycled. This revenue means that municipal authorities can be paid for collection, maintaining drop-off containers and sorting packaging.

So now you know. The destination of packaging bearing this symbol is assured, provided it is left in the correct container.

Sinalética nas embalagens

To make separating household packaging waste as easy as possible, we have created a range of icons on packaging that inform and help consumers with the basic rules for sorting waste. To make sure that that information reaches the end consumer, companies responsible for placing non-reusable packaging on the Portuguese market need to feature such icons on their packaging.

Learn more about the icons found on packaging available on the market.

Outros símbolos e ícones

Packaging bears many symbols with different meanings and levels of importance to help consumers. They may convey information on the design of packaging and products, identify environmental rules satisfied by the manufacturer, provide a guarantee that nature is being respected or indicate where you should dispose of the packaging after consuming the product.
Learn more about the icons found on packaging available on the market.