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Environment challenges imagination in photography competition
Environment challenges imagination in photography competition
Environment challenges imagination in photography competition

Lisbon, 20 May 2013 - Water, good and bad environmental practices, recycling of packaging and wildlife are the main sources of inspiration for the first Quercus National Photography Competition. The initiative is being sponsored by Sociedade Ponto Verde and is designed to foster the observation and protection of nature through photography.


The competition is for amateur and professional photographers and will last from 1 June to 20 August. The best 50 photos will be exhibited at Parque Biológico de Gaia from 21 September to 21 October.


The participants can submit between one and 10 unpublished photos up to a maximum of two in each of the five categories.

Category 1 - Water (life, nature and landscape)

Category 2 - Recycling of Packaging - Special Sociedade Ponto Verde Award

Category 3 - Good and bad environmental practices

Category 4 - Wildlife

Category 5 - Mobile phone photos


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"This competition is a way of involving the public even more in the issue of the environment and raising their awareness of the importance of preserving it. This was one of the reasons why Sociedade Ponto Verde decided to sponsor it. It will capture different visions of the competition\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s themes,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" said Luís Veiga Martins, Managing Director of Sociedade Ponto Verde.


The finalists will be chosen from those with the highest quality and innovation and will be announced at the prize-giving ceremony at Parque Biológico de Gaia on 21 September. The winners of each category will also be announced and presented with a 1,000 euro prize. The person submitting the best photographs taken on a mobile phone will receive 500 euros.


The finalists and winners will also get a copy of Guia fotográfico Quercus – Anfíbios de Portugal and the complete collection of Árvores e Florestas de Portugal, depending on their placing.


The judges will be João Cosme, nature photographer, Joaquim Peixoto from Quercus, Mário Raposo from Sociedade Ponto Verde and Dinis Cortes, nature photographer.