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RECICLA magazine available to readers on Ipad and Android tablet
RECICLA magazine available to readers on Ipad and Android tablet
RECICLA magazine available to readers on Ipad and Android tablet

The second edition of the digital version of RECICLA magazine, the only one in Portugal devoted to the environment and sustainability, is now available. It is published by Sociedade Ponto Verde and the digital version offers exclusive contents, such as videos and photographs, inspiring interviews and news reports starring people who are not afraid to defend the environment.


RECICLA will now be available free of charge for Ipad and Android tablet for anyone wishing to download it and it will also be accessible to subscribers of the online versions of Expresso, Caras and Visão.


In addition to news and interviews, the magazine also contains day-to-day advice and tips, sustainable novelties and ecological guidebooks.


The publication is now more dynamic and interactive and provides contents such as videos and photos that are not available in the print version (distributed with Activa and Caras magazines).


RECICLA was first published in September 2010 and comes out every three months. Sociedade Ponto Verde's idea behind the magazine is to help inspire the public to change their habits and attitudes for a better world.