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Sociedade Ponto Verde includes colour blind code in communication
Sociedade Ponto Verde includes colour blind code in communication
Sociedade Ponto Verde includes colour blind code in communication

Because recycling is important whatever the colours a person sees the world in, Sociedade Ponto Verde is going to include the ColorADD code in its communication materials, such as brochures and signage. The ColorADD code was developed on the basis of the three primary colours, which are represented by graphic symbols. It is based on the concept of “addition of colours” so that the colour blind can relate the symbols and easily identify the whole range of colours.


The code is a simple mind game that is easy to memorise and use in everyday situations. Black and white are added for dark and light shades.

"The success of selective collection and recycling of packaging waste requires a commitment from everyone. By using this code on our communication materials, we want to ensure that everyone, without exception, can recycle more and better," said Luís Veiga Martins, Managing Director of Sociedade Ponto Verde.

"The ColorAdd code was developed to help reduce a problem for a considerable part of the world population whose sight characteristics prevent them from performing a number of activities. Thanks to the inclusion of the code, recycling is now much easier," said Miguel Neiva, inventor of the ColorADD code.

The code is currently being used in a wide range of areas, such as hospitals, public transport, education, schools, universities, the school supply industry, clothing, footwear and local authorities - tourist offices, education, culture, mobility and communication.


Colour blindness is a disorder that affects 10% of the world's male population, approximately 350 million people. This hereditary condition is transmitted via the X chromosome.