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Glass recycling builds 25 study rooms for children from disadvantaged families
Glass recycling builds 25 study rooms for children from disadvantaged families
Glass recycling builds 25 study rooms for children from disadvantaged families

Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV) is equipping and improving 25 study rooms as part of the Recycling is Giving and Receiving social responsibility project undertaken in partnership with Entrajuda and SIC Esperança.


Growth in the quantities of glass sent for recycling so far has made it possible to equip 25 study rooms at private charities and to reach 950 children in 14 districts (including the Azores and Madeira). In practical terms, this support has involved donating such items as:


- 73 computers

- 160 desks

- 764 chairs

- 1,870 dossiers

- 3,600 exercise books

- school kits for all levels, including Portuguese, English and French dictionaries and grammar books, text and exercise books and mock tests in different subjects


All that was needed for this project to be a success was for people to separate used glass packaging. SPV donates one euro towards study rooms for each tonne of glass sent for recycling in 2011.


\"The public has responded well to this cause, which combines environmental preservation and social responsibility. The idea of the project was to demonstrate the decisive role that organisations can play in society. In this case, they can fight poverty by promoting the education of children, who have done so much towards constructing a cleaner planet by encouraging recycling since Sociedade Ponto Verde was founded 15 years ago,\" said Luís Veiga Martins, Managing Director of SPV.


The first rooms are currently being set up in order to provide better conditions for hundreds of children to study.


The project was undertaken in partnership with Entrajuda and SIC Esperança, who selected and followed up the private charities with the study rooms to be assisted.


\"This project enables us all to help prevent educational failure and early school leaving and break cycles of poverty. This is an example of how organisations can play a decisive role in society,\" said Isabel Jonet, President of Entrajuda.


\"SIC Esperança helps charities to undertake concrete projects. This is why it makes perfect sense for us to be involved, especially considering that education has been our central focus in 2011,\" explained Mercedes Balsemão, President of SIC Esperança.


The wish of the children who took part in the Sociedade Ponto Verde awareness campaign that is currently being screened on TV and in cinemas has come true and hundreds of families can be sure that their children will be monitored and have appropriate places in which to learn.


Institutions whose study rooms will be improved or equipped:






Associação Criança e Vida


Surpresa do bebé - creche e Jardim de infância - Associação - Porto


Viana do Castelo

Associação Cultural e de Educação Popular


Centro Social e Paroquial de Santa Maria Maior



Associação de Solidariedade Social Pró-Cultura Professor Silva Leitão



Associação de Solidariedade Social, Cultural e Recreativa de Guimarães



Associação Luso Caboverdeana de Sintra – ACAS


Casa Seis - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário – IPSS



Associação São José



Associação Uma Porta Amiga



Caritas Diocesana de Coimbra (CDC)



Cáritas Paroquial de Coruche


Ponta Delgada

Casa do Povo de Santo António



Centro de Apoio Social e Animação de Segadães



Centro Social e Paroquial de Angeja


Câmara de Lobos

Centro Social e Paroquial de Santa Cecília



Centro Social Paroquial da Benedita



Centro Social Paroquial dos Santos Mártires



Centro Solidariedade e Cultura de Peniche



Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social de Fafe – COOPfafe



CRIVA - Centro de Reformados e Idosos do Vale da Amoreira



Fundação D. Laura dos Santos



Fundação Joaquim dos Santos



Solar do Mimo - Centro de Acolhimento Temporário de Crianças em Risco