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There is no recycling drop-off container in my street. Who should I speak to about asking for one?

Municipal councils and municipal systems are responsible for siting, maintaining and collecting from recycling containers. You should contact your local municipal council or system. If you do not know which municipal system is responsible for managing waste where you live, you can find out here.


I am going to give a class on recycling and I would like you to send me some material. Is that possible?

Please send your request to info@pontoverde.pt and you will receive an answer as soon as possible, explaining whether any material is available.

	Símbolo ponto verde

What does the packaging symbol with one dark green and one light green arrow mean?

That is the Green Dot Symbol. When packaging has the Green Dot Symbol, it means that it contributes financially to Sociedade Ponto Verde. The manufacturer or importer is one of Sociedade Ponto Verde clients. By paying and eco-fee, it contributes financially to ensure that the packaging cycle is an endless loop. So now you know. When it bears this symbol, the final destination of packaging is assured, provided it is dropped into the right container.